Interstellar Favorite Superstar (Chapter 7: Little Wife — part 1)

Su Tan looked at the robot Dad, “I picked it up?”

Su Ning was a little nervous, his big metal head was a little stiff, and he answered dryly, “It’s obvious, isn’t it?”

Su Tan, “Well.”

He accepted the matter with ease, without any emotion. After all, he had passed through the interstellar, and it was no surprise that he had some lonely life experience.

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Wasn’t this standard for the traversal?

However, Su Tan’s unexpected sedation and reaction made the robot Su Ning even more nervous.

Its metal reinforcing steel neck was stiff, and it turned to look at Su Tan hardly, and said foolishly, “Even if you are not my own, then I am your father!”

Hearing his (Su Ning’s) slightly tense tone, Su Tan couldn’t help chuckling, “Of course it is!”

The robot Su Ning took a big breath, and finally a heart fell back to the bottom of the heart. The stiffness all over the body finally cleared the neurons. The metal joints of the limbs crackled slightly.

Su Ning didn’t care, he turned his head and looked at Hayden with a grim expression.

“Sir, you came to our house fraudulently, didn’t you? It’s not easy to cheat us.”

Su Ning looked solemnly, staring at Hayden severely, and his solemn and rapid speaking speed was totally questioning.

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Suddenly, “click”. He grabbed one of his arms, twisted it, and waved the iron arm of the metal reinforcement almost to Hayden’s jaw, and asked with a mighty force, “Say, what galaxy are you scammer running away from?”

Hayden, “…”

Su Tan was anxious to watch this shocking scene. “Dad, put your arms away.”

The robot Su Ning publicly revealed his unique skill. He watched as if he was shocked by the man of unknown origin in front of him. He couldn’t help but be complacent. He comforted Su Tan and said, “It’s all right, Dad is Guiliya. The robot competes first! “

Su Tan admired, ‘My dad is amazing.’

Hayden calmly clung to the knife and fork. A large chunk of stew on the plate had been wiped out by him, and there was almost no sauce left. The whole plate was bright and light.

He lifted his eyes and looked steadily at the wary robot Su Ning, his eyes faintly smiling. “Well, you guessed it wrong. I am indeed Su Tan’s cousin. Don’t you see the similarities in the appearance of the two of us?” 

Upon hearing his resolute words, Su Ning blinked for a moment, and his eyes fell on Hayden’s deep eyes.

As deep as the sea, the waves were not frightened, like the most rough waves hidden under a tranquil sea.

Especially the black eyes, which were rare in this racially complex interstellar era, were similar to Su Tan.

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The robot Su Ning froze for a moment, seemingly remembering some memories, and slowly opened his mouth and asked, “Do you know where Su Tan was picked up?”

Hayden’s eyes deepened for a moment. He glanced at Su Tan’s face, and resolutely said his answer, “By the water.” 

In a short time, the fingertips of Su Ning’s metal reinforcements were numb. His chaotic thoughts could not find an exit for a while. Although he had thought about it countless times in his heart, he never thought that the family of Su Tan would find the door in such an ordinary and quiet evening.

An unstable electric current flowed suddenly in his heart, and a bitter radian grinned hard on the face of the metal plastic, “Do you … want to take him?”

Hayden raised an eyebrow, “Of course not “

He laughed suddenly, and set down the knife and fork in his hand with satisfaction. “I can’t bear to have your good cooking.”

Hayden promised, “Be assured, I will only stay here for a while.”

In the evening, Su Tan took the medicine and walked to Hayden’s bedroom. This was a small and tight attic room on the top of the building. It was used to store miscellaneous things. The old-fashioned desktop computer was left here.

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However, now under the careful arrangement of Su Ning, it had been cleaned up neatly. A small, comfortable single bed was placed, and several new mattresses were thickly covered.

It could be seen that Su Ning was grateful to Hayden, his cousin.

When Su Tan came into the door with his wounds and a small home-use therapeutic device, Hayden was lying on his back comfortably, with an enviable pair of long legs resting on an iron shelf bed frame of a single bed, thinking quietly with a relaxed expression.

Su Tan opened the small home treatment device and put it on Hayden’s chest to treat him for fractured injury.

He became more curious about the quiet and mysterious man before him. “How do you know I was picked up by the water?”

Hayden scratched the corners of his lips lightly, stretched his limbs more relaxed, and made more room for the therapy device.

“I guess.”

Su Tan, “…”

Hayden glanced at him, lazily letting the therapeutic device across his arm to treat the misplaced broken arm. “Obviously, your name has a historical origin.”

Tan, waterside.

When he first heard the name, Hayden had guessed that the family purposely called an ancient earth word as a child’s name, which probably had a profound meaning.

Unsurprisingly, he guessed it.

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His eyes were so deep that he smiled and evaluated, “Your dad loves you very much.”

Su Tan nodded and responded seriously, “I know.” 

The therapeutic instrument hummed. Su Tan quietly closed the door for Hayden and returned to his room.

This day was particularly busy, until late at this time, Su Tan finally had time to turn on the computer, log on to the Stars website, and check the publication of his novels.

At this time, his novels had more than fifty collections. Although the number of collections was not too much, considering that he had just posted a day, he thought that the data was already very good.

Especially the comments under the text were much more than he imagined. There were more than 40 comments alone.

“This subject matter is so interesting, fast wear? See you for the first time!”

“The author greatly cheers, I will wait for the update.”

“Can the earth still play like this? Great, my author!”

It could be seen that his novel was just right for many people.

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Su Tan replied to the book review and glanced at the “Return to the Earth” essay topic. He found that the submitted novels had explosively increased in one day, a full row of 27 pages, and the total number of novel submissions had already exceeded 300.

This was not yet the deadline. He was afraid there would be a lot of blowouts on the day of the deadline.

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