
Interstellar Favorite Superstar (Chapter 15: Provoking Crime — part 2)

Intersteller Favorite Superstar

In a hurry, everyone was hotly discussing “Domination”. Everyone was guessing that it would be a matter of time before the “Domination” dominated the counterattack on the new homepage. Everyone was joking that the number 10th author of the newcomer list was going to be rudely squeezed out of the homepage list by “Domination”.

And the Crazy Dragon was just the unlucky egg that was about to be squeezed out of the list by the bursting chrysanthemum!

How could he not be bored with the full screen of “Domination” and Braised Pork?

If you are seeing this, you’re not reading this from original translation site. Please support the translator by reading the novel from https://dlhaine.com/interstellar-favorite-superstar-chapter-15-part-2/

Immediately, the Crazy Dragon banged heavily on the table and dropped the beer bottle, ignoring the liquor that was spilled by his angry and rough actions.

He quickly dragged the keyboard, ten fingers as hard as a machine gun, slammed a long paragraph on the keyboard, cracked the gun to all the netizens who questioned him satirically.

Crazy Dragon: “Hey, where’s the dog leg? How much does your master give you to make you work so hard in the forum to say good things about him?”

He tapped on the keyboard fiercely, tearing back the netizens who had previously hit him one by one. His tone was arrogance and contemptible.

Crazy Dragon: “Keep your eyes wide open and see, which of the first few novels on the real new list is no better than ‘Domination’. ‘Domination’ is overblown. In fact, that’s what happened.”

He did not name his surname, cleverly concealed his novel and author name to prevent netizens from finding his own text.

However, this kind of desire to conceal it made many people guess his motive.

The Liars of the Libra Constellation: “The tone of the upstairs is a bit strange, either die-hard or black!”

Everyday Cultivation: “I notice that too! This “Crazy Dragon” is simply an author on the list and resent that ‘Domination’ blocked his way. “

My big cousin is really a perverted little mushroom: “I’m sure! I guess he is the tenth one at the end of the newcomer list! It is his favorite thing in his text to add ‘ze’ to every sentence.”

If you are seeing this, you’re not reading this from original translation site. Please support the translator by reading the novel from https://dlhaine.com/interstellar-favorite-superstar-chapter-15-part-2/

Suddenly seeing here, the Crazy Dragon’s heart suddenly made a big alarm. His fingers trembled and quickly returned to his novel page. He clicked a chapter at random, and was surprised to find that he really had the habit of adding mood words in my novels.

Crazy Dragon glanced casually and found that it was full of “ze”, “rub”, “sink” and “(#) ′) convex” …

Suddenly, his eyes were black suddenly and his head was blank.

Crazy Dragon bit his teeth tightly and swiped back to the post page again. A large screenshot appeared in front of him.

My big cousin is really a perverted little mushroom: “Evidence of strength! I took a screenshot! [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]” 

After a while, the post was in uproar.

Every floor that followed was responding quickly in shock.

The Liars of the Libra Constellation: “Lying down! I said why this ‘Crazy Dragon’ jumped out so fast. It turned out to be the author who is about to be blasted out of the list by ‘Domination’.”

Everyday I am Cultivating: “New Year’s play [Bad laugh].”

Big Codeword Devil King: “The Crazy Dragons is big … ha ha ha ha ha, wax your IQ.”

Looking at the comments one after the other, the Crazy Dragon’s face was all completely black like the bottom of the pot. He always wrote texts at will. He occasionally swore in the text, which was more in line with the style of the yellow storm little white stallion. He had won the favor of many male readers, so he had never faced this problem.

If you are seeing this, you’re not reading this from original translation site. Please support the translator by reading the novel from https://dlhaine.com/interstellar-favorite-superstar-chapter-15-part-2/

On the contrary, he felt that such a mantra was a special adult man charm.

Unexpectedly, today this turned out to be a gap in revealing one’s identity. At the start of the time, Crazy Dragon clenched the keyboard in his hand tightly, anxiously smashing through the screen, hitting everyone in the opposite direction. In particular, the “my big cousin is really a perverted little mushroom,” who first revealed his identity, simply revealed his old man thoroughly.

Crazy Dragon looked angry. Even though he was angry, he knew very well that if he couldn’t handle the things in today’s post, he would be completely finished in the author circle.

This event must be his black history!

The mad dragon dragged the beer bottle on his hand severely, sulking a large sip of beer, but he didn’t care about the liquid spilled in the sudden rude action, and let the bubbling beer liquid spilled on himself on his front placket.

He took a deep breath, struggling to suppress his anger, and replied cautiously in the post.

Crazy Dragon: “Hey, you guys just have that IQ too? Really thought I was the author of the ‘Fake Zerg Soldiers’? Stop talking nonsense! In my eyes, this book is also a spicy chicken!”

In order to wash himself at all costs, he even tried to discredit his novel.

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