Interstellar Favorite Superstar (Chapter 15: Provoking Crime — part 1)

Su Tan burst more the next day—

“27th in the new list.”

Smoke Scar: “You ask how deep I love you, the mine represents my heart [mine] * 1314520 “

The third day of explosion—

“The 22nd in the new list.”

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Smoke Scar:  “I crossed the mountains, climbed the iron net, and lurked just to hit you with a mine! [Landmine] * 666666 “The

The fourth day of explosion —

“No. 18 in the Newcomer List.”

Smoke Scar: “Cute! Pay attention to your body [Deepwater torpedo] * 999″

… … 

The tenth day of explosion —

“No. 11 in the Newcomer List.”

As of this day, Su Tan’s position on the newcomer list had risen to 11th place. Seeing his position, he was only one step away from entering the homepage list.

And the number of words he broke in the past ten days had reached a terrible 300,000 words. With such a huge and intensive update amount, everyone inside and outside the site had been shocked in a short time.

Not only were many unfamiliar readers attracted by his diligence and hard work, but many novel writers were also impressed by his hand speed and tenacity.

10 days, 100 chapters, 300,000 words.

This shocking data had become an unprecedented achievement for the website. Even hard-working authors, compared with Su Tan’s big-handed writing, were even worse.

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Today, the author’s forum had been completely screened by topics related to him.

Love Quietly: “Terrible …… god-like hand speed.”

Big Codeword Devil: “I wanted to give my ID to him. ‘Braised Pork’ is simply the most inspirational newcomer.”

Everyday I am Cultivating: “Going on like this, it will be a matter of time before ‘Domination’ hits the newcomer list on homepage. Great!”

Crazy Dragon: “Hey, what’s this? Except for the blogger’s attention, what is the point of his novel?”

The words of the “Crazy Dragon” immediately drew refusal from everyone.

The Liars of the Libra Constellation: “I am most annoyed by this sour argument upstairs. If you can make more than ten chapters for ten consecutive days, you do it. Don’t hide behind the keyboard and put a black gun!”

Laser Wings:”I agree with +1. Regardless of the text, on the perseverance and hard work of Braised Pork, I am completely convinced. Can you do it?”

Su Su Su Su I: “The novel is beautiful! The results are good! Shouldn’t eat grapes like this sour grapes? An industrious author like Braised Pork deserves a lifetime of fame!”

The Crazy Dragon who was pouring ice beer in front of the computer, saw this sentence and the wine poured into his mouth almost sprayed out. The whole person’s face was dark. “Deserve to be famous all his life? Then I deserve not to be famous all my life? Want to do something, I’m still afraid of you?”

He was just too bored to brush posts. Seeing the forum full of screen topics, “Dominate the Earth’s Age [Quick Wear]” and the author Brushed Braised Meat Everyday, he couldn’t help but wonder.

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Like Su Tan, he was a new author who had just registered with Fanxing Novel. However, he was not a pure newcomer, but an old man who had repeatedly cut numbers and changed many websites and author vests.

However, the figures of each text were not satisfactory. He thought that he was just missing an opportunity.

Therefore, the Crazy Dragon who was desperate for this new article, put his last chance on this new article. If he was unsuccessful, he would simply withdraw from the online literary world and gave up this job.

Fortunately, he had a good momentum of writing this time. Pinpointing the most popular Star Wars theme at the moment, he created a human soldier who was greedy for life and stubborn, lurked to the Zerg army as an attractive selling point. The focus was on the loser’s counterattack and beating the hegemony.

It had to be said that the selection and style of this category had just caught the appetite of many readers. Not long after the beginning, with the style of the little white stallion Huang Bao, the data of the novel soared day by day.

One month after writing, his novel “Fake Zerg Soldiers” had suddenly reached the 10th place on the list of new authors and entered the homepage.

At that time, the Crazy Dragon was determined that his book must be on fire. As the data soared day by day, his self-confidence also soared.

But just now, it was killed out of the way.

The Dominate the Earth Age [quickly wear], with an unprecedented dark horse posture, made a siege from an ancient earth novel and entered the sight of everyone.

Later, it was through continuous explosions and money-saving deposits, that it won the hottest topical degree, and attracted all the authors and readers of Fanxing Novel.

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