Interstellar Favorite Superstar (Chapter 9: Braised Pork — part 3)

Su Tan no longer hesitated, decisively wrote the name of his work at the end of the application list, watching the application list was locked after a minute. Hoshino sent a message for his tardiness, “You are finally online …”

Su Tan was a little sorry, and spent the whole afternoon studying the rules of the website, especially going to the author forum to learn a lot of related routines and newcomer precautions.

Halfway through, he unexpectedly discovered that his novel was hooked to the forum post title.

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“Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear] — which great god’s vest is this?” 

Discussion in the post was lively.

“I think it’s big A! Strong nostalgic and realistic style. The characters are excellent and fun. It is definitely a small vest that big A secretly opened.”

“Don’t guess blindly upstairs. Big A has a cub. If he has the energy to open the vest at this time, I will give you both knees. I think it’s a big vest named ‘Barbecue Steak □ Stick Meat’. Don’t you feel that this is a bit similar to the mystery of the author of ‘Dominate’: ‘Brushed braised meat every day’? “

“!!! Upstairs makes a lot of sense! I believe it!”

“I also believe +1”

For a while, Su Tan was mistaken for another author by spreading rumors. The post had been covered for hundreds of floors, and all of them were talking about awesomeness. It was so stupid and naive to think that this name won’t be recognized by readers.

Under the world of mouth, “Barbecue Steak □ Stick Meat” had to come out to dispel rumors, personally appeared in the post, the message clarified, “It really is not me … I have not eaten braised pork. I really want to eat.”

After seeing her reply, there was another small high tide in the reply amount in the post, but the style of painting became more and more distorted.

“The meat is really delicious.”

“I also want to know what kind of braised pork is it. Sweet? Sour? Spicy? Salty? Hey ~”

“Boiled pork greatly seeks ways to openly satisfy our heart of eating How about it? “

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Su Tan couldn’t help looking at these comments, but he did not expect that a plate of China’s most common braised pork would set off a fiery climax in the interstellar space.

Thanked to the fact that they hadn’t seen fried liver and lobster crayfish, China’s countless great foods would definitely conquer the stomachs of these interstellar eaters.

Even his editor Hoshino quietly knocked at him, “… what is braised pork?”

Su Tan replied steadily, “Then I will make braised pork tonight as a reader’s benefit.”

Hoshino returned quickly, “Okay!”

He had only been writing for twenty days, the number of words had reached 100,000 words. The collection had passed five hundred. The comments had also exceeded four hundred, all relying on the support and love of readers.

So, he closed the webpage and went downstairs to enter the kitchen, explaining his thoughts to his father.

The robot Su Ning couldn’t help but feel a little surprised, but he gave up the kitchen and looked suspiciously at the movement of Su Tan.

Su Ning watched the sharp blade waving in Su Tan’s hand. His heart touched his throat, and he couldn’t help saying, “Son, should I do it for you?”

Su Tan smiled slightly, very determined and calm. “Dad, don’t worry.”

Huaxia’s braised pork was selected from the best pork belly. Guiliya had a wild boar and had the texture similar to pork belly. So Su Tan chose this type of meat.

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He now put the whole piece of meat in the boiling hot water, blanched it for a few seconds. Then removed it and rinsed it in cold water until it was cool, cut the meat into square pieces, and dried it again to cool and drain.

Seeing this, Su Ning looked suspiciously at the white piece of meat. In the end, even if he did not think it would be tasty, he did not crack down on the enthusiasm of Su Tan. Instead, he enthusiastically encouraged, “Son, you are awesome! It’s beautiful.”

Su Tan couldn’t help but smile. He put oil in the cold pan, and put the spices to stir up the fragrance. He then immediately poured the Su Ning’s pure and clean meat pieces into the pan and stir-fried.

Suddenly, the hot and spicy bottom of the pot came into contact with the pieces of meat, inspiring a strong aroma. The oil of the pieces of meat was scooped out little by little. Su Tan seized the opportunity and took advantage of other sauces. Stir-fry evenly to color the pieces.

All of a sudden, a violent aroma swept through the kitchen.

Hayden stepped out of the shower and stopped quietly at the kitchen door. The robot Su Ning found him, moved to the side, and moved a seat for him. He couldn’t help but exclaimed to Hayden, ”Look, my son cooks super-class ~ great!”

Hayden raised the corners of his lips. Smelling the scent, he agreed, ”Um.”

Su Ning glanced at him side by side, suddenly cleared his throat, coughed and said, “Su Tan is already an adult. He is cute and filial, and his cooking skills are great … “

He thought about a lot of the benefits of Su Tan, and finally returned to the topic. “… So, Su Tan’s big cousin, do you have a suitable friend to introduce to Su Tan?” 

Hayden leaned against the door frame. “Introduction?”

Su Ning coughed, prompting, “Subject.” 

He had no hope of Su Tan finding a partner on the planet Guiliya, but he did not mind about the unexpected star son-in-law!

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The robot’s dad’s eyes were so bright that he looked at Hayden and proposed, “At least it can’t be worse than you!”

Looking for a good family man like Hayden.

Heiden listened to his conditions, seriously thought about it, and shook his head, “I’m afraid it can’t be done.”

He smiled, said confidently and calmly, “No one can be better than me.”

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