Interstellar Favorite Superstar (Chapter 21: Super big red envelope — part 1)

In the early morning of the next day, all the editors and experts participating in the review of the Fanxing Novel Website gathered.

They were either experienced editors with extensive experience in the industry, or highly respected professors of literature at various interstellar universities or colleges, or they were specialized in the study of ancient earth culture and literature. The weight of each station was quite reasonable.

What was more, for the recommendation meeting for the final review, the editor-in-chief of the Fanxing Novel website, Brewer, personally attended and presided over the meeting, and sat in the top of the meeting room.

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He carefully examined the list submitted by the review team in front of him, which listed the review results and author names of the top ten ancient earth-themed novels.

Brewer looked seriously and attentively, and swiped down from the first part.

Every article from top to bottom did not exceed his expectations.

The works of the great gods were complete. The style was stable, and the readers’ praise was very high, and it was enduring on the annual ranking of novel websites.

These novels had been listed, and Brewer already knew them.

However, when his eyes suddenly fell on the name of a somewhat strange novel, he suddenly stopped, and his nib stopped there.

He glanced at the author’s name and, as expected, a newcomer with no memory in his impression. Immediately, Brewer’s brows frowned slightly.

“Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear]?”

As soon as he asked, Zhao Mengsheng, the editor in charge of the daily coordination of these reviews, immediately responded, “Yes, editor-in-chief, after the unanimous approval of the review team, it is strongly recommended to recommend this newcomer and new book to the list.”

Brewer’s amber eyes were quiet and calm behind the gold-rimmed glasses. He had been in the position of editor-in-chief for many years, with rich experience, sharp eyes, and uniqueness. Just when he was in the position of new editor alone, he dug up and signed many new writers who later become famous. So there was not much disagreement on newcomers and old people.

It was just that-

Brewer’s eyes deepened, and he pondered, “The list is public, and the most important thing is to convince the public. Can this newcomer and new book hold up the place?”

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No wonder he had doubts.

It wasn’t that he did not want to recommend new people and new books. However, the selection of the top ten feature novels had gilded each of the novels on the list, arousing more rigorous review and criticism from readers.

The works of great gods often had a reputation and a large fan base, and there was not much dispute.

However, when Little Pink’s book was on the list, it was easy to cause huge controversy, and even caused a torrid battle between the author and readers, which overshadowed a top ten selection event.

Therefore, the website was always cautious and dared not take risks easily.

Brewer tapped his finger lightly on the table. His nib accurately landed around the name of “Dominate”, but his mood was gloomy.

When he was in deep thought, Professor Mei suddenly stood up and insisted on expressing her opinions impartially and objectively. “This is a rare good novel.”

As the only expert and scholar hired in the field of ancient earth literature, the words she spoke were full of weight, so that Brewer could not help glancing at her.

Brewer’s contemplation suddenly stopped. He raised his eyes and looked at all the people sitting in the conference room. Although there was no words in the calm sight, the silent atmosphere of the Crow and Birds was extremely stressful.

He asked calmly, “Does anyone else have any opinions?”

No one spole.

A senior editor sitting at the conference table said, “In terms of writing and ideas, it’s good enough to be unconventional. But—”

His words instantly caught everyone’s attention in the conference room.

The older editor cautiously raised his doubts, “Can this article go for a long time?”

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He reminded, “This is a new article by a newcomer, not long in words, a beautiful start, a refreshing effort, but how long can this aura and energy sustain? Will it end up in the halfway, leaving more pits and disappointing readers?”

He concluded, “We chose a good novel, not just a good beginning.”

Putting more than 400,000 words in Huaxia might be enough to support the full text count of a novel, but in the interstellar era, such word counts were just the beginning, and even the standard was not enough.

Such an extremely beautiful novel at the beginning could really have enough penpower and perseverance to be outstanding from the beginning to the end and conquer all readers’ reputations thoroughly?

Asking this question immediately silenced everyone in the conference room.

No one dared to pack tickets.

The works of the Great God still couldn’t guarantee the books were excellent and the ending was perfect. How could a small newcomer who just signed a contract?

The room fell into silence for a while. Even Professor Mei, who initially supported Su Tan at the beginning, regretted that the number of characters in “Dominate” was too short, and the ambitious length had not yet been fully developed.

She firmly believed that as long as the author was given time, the ancient earth world structured and restored by “Dominate” would be far more exciting than she imagined.

Professor Mei firmly said, “With this beginning, I would like to personally recommend this novel.” 

As soon as this sentence came out, all the people in the conference room were shocked, and looked at Professor Mei inconceivably.

It should be known that solemn and serious expert professors such as Professor Mei had always sat high on the altar in academia, and had been invited to participate in the review of online novels.

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Professor Mei was actually willing to write a recommendation for an online novel, and such a move surprised everyone.

It was like a university professor writing a recommendation for elementary school students——

This was the top honor.

The conference room was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. Everyone’s breathing was tense and excited. They did not expect that this novel would have cast such a profuse eye on Professor Mei.

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