Interstellar Favorite Superstar (Chapter 13: One red in the end — part 2)

Without a little whip, you could take the initiative to save a 300,000-characters archive. Who was such a hard-working author?

Hoshino found boiling water, brewed a thick cup of bitter coffee, and took a sip. The coffee with a slightly bitter aroma suddenly rolled down the throat, ironing the exhausted lungs, and let her refreshed.

She twitched her lips slightly at Su Tan and laughed, “The next list is coming out, and you are on the front page of the Scarlet Letter List.”

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Just now, she just finished the new ranking list. After a morning kill and fight by all the editors in the editorial department, she fought her countless lip-to-mouth battles and finally won many good lists for the next list.

Among them, she strove for public opinion, and recommended Su Tan’s novels on the front page of the Scarlet Letter.

This list had excellent exposure. Generally speaking, new articles with better data would have the opportunity to be selected, but the second one was the one who could make the top page of the Scarlet Letter.

She proposed that Su Tan, the newcomer, be featured on the front page, and was immediately met with strong resistance from other editors.

However, she tried hard to get a consensus, and her subordinates did not have the great writer of the same period, so she recommended Su Tan to the top. After fierce game and competition, she finally won this list for Su Tan.

Hoshino bowed her head. The aroma of coffee permeated the nose, even though it was bitter, but it smelled soothing at this time.

She told Su Tan the time and update requirements for the list, and told with a smile, “This list is good. Come on and update. Don’t let me down.”

What she did not say was that if Su Tan’s performance on the list did not meet the expectations of the editors, she was afraid that she will be completely defeated in the next round.

Su Tan sharply responded, “Okay.”

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He landed on the novel’s management page, set the update time, refreshed ten chapters again, and sent the ten chapters out in one go.

He saw that the author’s forum post, which had been discussing the frequency of his update just now, was topped on the forum homepage.

In the post, someone posted his updated message first, “Dominate the Earth Age [Quick Wear] is updated again! Ten chapters!!!”

Suddenly, the author’s forum, which had always been dormant, was blown up. Many people amazingly rushed to his article. They found that not only did he update the ten chapters in a hurry, but also the reader’s comment area had become an ocean of joy and ecstasy.

“Brush ten chapters every day. I’ve enjoyed smoking marijuana!”

“I like authors who are so crisp and bold. Great, I will power you in the future!”

“I think the author is going crazy, but I like what he does, I also want to go crazy too!!! “

“Great, I really want to hook you up ah ah ah ah ah ah-“

As the readers responded enthusiastically, more scatter comments and thunders poured in. In an instant, the book review area was flooded.

And the most dazzling one was obviously-

Smoke scar, ”Take it away. We don’t make an appointment.” 

The website’s homepage thunder list is full of redness, “Smoke scar gives the author ‘Brushed Braised Meat Everyday’ and gives them a deep-water torpedo * 521.”

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The bright large characters brushed everyone’s eyes. A series of huge investments pitches completely drowned his comment area completely.

“Hugging … hugging? I really want to know what’s going on.”

“Dad Smoke! What are you doing? Stop now. The author is largely ours!”

Su Tan was surprised. A little flattered in his heart.

It seemed that he was … bred up by local readers [happy]?

To such a little angel who loved himself very much, Su Tan was sweet and replied seriously in the comments, ”Thank you for your support. Kiss and hug high ~”

As the author, for the readers who were generous, he could only thank the readers wholeheartedly.

However, the style of Smoke Scars had always been concise and indifferent. Except for bubbling when thunder strikes, it rarely appeared in reviews.

Su Tan brushed the novel’s web page several times, but didn’t wait for the other party’s response. He couldn’t help but ran to the author’s backstage to see if the website was pumping.

Just then, his door was knocked suddenly.

“Knock, knock, knock.”

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Hayden was standing outside Su Tan’s bedroom door, listening to the sound of light and hasty footsteps coming from inside. He couldn’t help but raised the corners of his lips.

The moment the door opened, he lifted his eyes, a pair of subtlety mysterious and quiet eyes looked at the young man who was about to come out.

What he didn’t expect, however, was that he stopped at the other side.

Black and soft hair, with fair skin, a few drops of water fall from the hair, a fresh and refreshing youthful temperament.

Along the low drops of water, Hayden’s eyes moved downward. He saw that the white yukata reached the teenager’s knees, covering the teenager’s slender body intact, with only a pair of thin and powerful calves □□ outside.

A pair of feet and arches stretched. The skin was fair. The toes were a bit cuddly. They stepped bare foot on the carpet with gorgeous patterns, suddenly brought a little bit of shyness and brightness.

It was like a white jade that fell into the splendid heap. People’s hearts could not bear the desire for treasure and destruction.

Hayden’s dark eyes were deep and he didn’t speak. Tall and long body stood upright in front of Su Tan, just covering the other side completely under his shadow.

Hayden suddenly opened his arms and stepped forward to hug the boy’s slim body. Suddenly, they held those white toes off the ground.

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Suddenly lifted by the embrace of a large, warm, and adult male, Su Tan was surprised, “Big cousin, what are you doing?!”

Hayden’s voice was low, and he calmly replied, “Don’t get cold.”

He chuckled and answered silently, ‘Hold high.’

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